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August 2024

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Semper Anticus No.7 Latvian version

Semper Anticus No.7 English version

June 2022

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Semper Anticus No.6 Latvian version

Semper Anticus No.6 English version

March 2019

Covid-19, self-isolation, social distancing, quarantine, cancelled events? Don’t be sad! Today the 5th issue of RSU student popular science journal Semper Anticus reaches its readers – an ideal reading material in both home self-isolation and outside. Always forward!

Covid-19, pašizolācija, sociālā distancēšanās, karantīna, atcelti pasākumi? Neskumsti! No šodienas pie lasītājiem dodas RSU studentu žurnāla Semper Anticus 5. izdevums – ideāla lasāmviela gan mājas izolācijā, gan ārpus tās. Vienmēr uz priekšu!

*Click on the title to get the PDF version.

Semper Anticus No.5 Latvian version

Semper Anticus No.5 English version

January 2019

Semper Anticus is proud to present your our 4th issue, which is focused on prevention – disease, mistake and more.  Download your own PDF version in both English and Latvian.

*Click on the title to get the PDF version.

Semper Anticus No.4 Latvian version

Semper Anticus No.4 English version

February 2017

Semper Anticus is the first student-led popular scientific journal in Latvia and this is our third issue – the most comprehensive work spanning from mental health to fake news, LGBT and more.  Download your own PDF version in both English and Latvian.

*Click on the journal cover to enter Reading Room, click on the title to get the PDF version.

Semper Anticus No.3 Latvian version

Semper Anticus No.3 English version

May 2017

Semper Anticus is proud to unveil its new issue of May 2017 in which we discuss a plethora of topics ranging from Antibacterial resistance in Latvia and HIV vaccine phase II clinical trials to Trump and Brexit.

The Semper Anticus team has been working hard to give you the best content in the most representable and aesthetic way, with attention to minute detail we have crafted this issue with gained knowledge from our past work and new vigour for future success.

Semper Anticus No.2 English version

Semper Anticus No.2 Latvian version

November 2016

This was the beginning of Semper Anticus – our creators, Ingus Apse and Ivars Veckalns, had this insane idea of making a scientific journal that would not only  engage its readers in discussing current medical topics, but also be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and to the touch.

Hard work and attention to detail were and still are the cornerstones in creating Latvia’s very first student based popular-scientific journal.

Semper Anticus No.1 English Version

Semper Anticus No.1 Latvian Version


Semper Anticus

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