Who Are We?
Semper Anticus is a new scientific blog that belongs to the Semper Anticus biannual journal. We aim to make science more available, comprehensive and illustrative. Our project began in December 2015, and developed with the financial support and guidance of Riga Stradins University and its Student Council (RSU SP). The Editorial Board consists of Latvian and International students from the Medical and Social Science faculties at RSU.
November 2016 – This was the beginning of Semper Anticus – our creators, Ingus Apse and Ivars Veckalns, had this insane idea of making a scientific journal that would not only engage its readers in discussing current medical topics, but also be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and to the touch.
Hard work and attention to detail were and still are the cornerstones in creating Latvia’s very first student based popular-scientific journal.

What Do We Do?
Our Blog and Facebook page is regularly updated with the latest news from the world of science. We provide the opportunity for young and emerging scientists to publish their own research papers and scientific articles within our Journal and Blog.
P.S.: All articles published in the Journal will be stored in the scientific archives of the Latvian National Library.
Do you have any questions or requests? Feel free to contact us via the following e-mail: zinatnes.zurnals@gmail.com
Our Team
Gabriela Gorodecka –
Chief editorAnna Sardiko –
Chief editorAnete Rebaine –
Editor, Social media coorrdinator
Valters Vēģelis –
Samanta Made Leimane –
Editor, Social media coorrdinator
Sindija Kezika –
Laine Aleksandra Dovkante –
Lauma Tumašova –
Darja Allemane –
Agnese Gabriela Celma –
Maria Atme –
Arta Adrija Kerna –
Design and layout

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