International Student Conference
This year on March 16th and 17th the annual RSU International Student Conference “Health and Social sciences” organized by the Student Council will be held at Riga Stradiņš University. The conference will gather 270 Latvian and International active participants, 83 knowledgeable and exceptionally capable members of the jury as well as more than a thousand of passive participants that keep growing daily.
320 scientific papers will be presented, 100 of which by international students.
Register for passive participation at
Abstract submission for Health sciences ended on January 14th, while Social science abstracts could be submitted until the 28th of January. As a result, 320 scientific papers will be presented, 100 of which by international students. Like every year, the conference will gather Health and Social science students from the world – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and other countries. The Abstract Evaluation Committee noted that the quality of the submitted works has risen significantly this year, therefore the conference will be not only a challenge for the participants but also for the jury – to evaluate and decide, which participants deserve a prize. The stiffest competition is expected to be in Internal medicine, Public health and Case report sections.
The stiffest competition is expected to be in Internal medicine, Public health and Case report sections.
The conference will traditionally begin with a plenary session, which everyone is invited to attend. This year a graduate of Riga Stradins University from the United Kingdom Dr Andrejs Brauns, who specializes in Hematooncology will take part in the conference and in his Keynote speech, he will introduce us to current achievements in Medicine. Meanwhile, Ieva Siliņa, Chairman of the Association of Latvian New Scientists, will speak about why science is important and how to talk about it in a more engaging and understandable way.
…a workshop organized by the Student council’s popularscientific journal “Semper Anticus”, where we’ll speak about writing and publishing scientific articles.
During the conference, students will have the opportunity to attend 11 Health science and 2 Social science sections. The participants will present in front of the audience and jury and take part in discussions with the professors.
The number of available workshops has significantly grown so that every participant will be able to find the most suitable workshop for them. The first day will gather participants who are interested in “Medical plants in cosmetics”, “Microbiology”, “Pediatrics”, “Psychosomatics”, “Psychiatry” as well as a workshop organized by the Student council’s popular scientific journal “Semper Anticus”, where we’ll speak about writing and publishing scientific articles.
The programme includes a variety of tours to Latvia’s well known businesses – Grindex, Central Laboratory, New Black, Overpriced.
Day One
One the first day of the conference health science students are welcome to attend Dr. Zul Mirza’s guest lecture – the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening Thoracic injuries. Social science participants will be able to attend a lecture by Mārtiņš Daugulis about Critical thinking and a lecture about the Political and economic aspects Latvia’s future by Prof. Eugene Eteris.
Day Two
On the 2nd day participants will be able to gather for workshops in “Healthcare meets technology – ideation workshop”, “Otorhinolaryngology”, “Anesthesiology and Reanimatology”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Traumatology and orthopedics”, “Microbiology”, “Radiology”, “Internal Medicine”, “Dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery” and “Massage” as well as a Social workshop “Creative portraits”, which will be a fun and informative introduction to elements of portrait photography.
Don’t hesitate and be a part of the conference right now! Register for passive participation at
The programme includes a variety of tours to Latvia’s well-known businesses – Grindex, Central Laboratory, New Black, Overpriced. Participants will be able to take part in various events, where they will have the chance to meet both local and international colleagues and share their scientific achievements in an informal setting.
Don’t hesitate and be a part of the conference right now! Riga Stradins University, as well as the conference organizers, invite everyone interested to participate in the Riga Stradins University International student conference in “Health and Social Sciences” 2018.
Registration for Riga Stradins university students will be free of charge until March 11th, while other students are welcome to view the price list at and join the already large number of participants.
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