Semper Anticus No. 5 released!

Covid-19, self-isolation, social distancing, quarantine, cancelled events? Don’t be sad! Today the 5th issue of RSU student popular science journal Semper Anticus reaches its readers – an ideal reading material in both home self-isolation and outside. Always forward! Covid-19, pašizolācija, sociālā distancēšanās, karantīna, atcelti pasākumi? Neskumsti! No šodienas pie lasītājiem dodas RSU studentu žurnāla Semper

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Can’t lose weight?

Author: Judīte Lukša Human weight is influenced by many different factors such as diet, exercise, genetics, environment, hormones. But did you know that your weight is also affected by the microorganisms in your body? There is a saying that you’re never dining alone. And it’s true, because every time you eat anything, you’re feeding a

Christmas Gifts: A Medical Analysis

Author: Kamiar K. Rueckert and Lydia Boyette As a child, I had a marvelous time during Christmas. I ate cookies, marzipan and lebkuchen until I decided to play outside in the snow. My Christmastime schedule consisted of snowball fights and sledding which was in stark contrast to the math or German classes of a typical