Author: Kristīne Maķe Nowadays, most people know what bacterial infections are and how to treat them “correctly”. Anyone working in the medical field is aware of the mechanisms bacteria can use to become our body’s worst enemy. Even for people outside of the medical world, the word “infection” is not alien. Thanks to the technological
CategoryEnvironment & Sustainability
Breaking barriers: The stigma of HIV
Author: Rajlakshmi Sohini Mukhopadhyay H.I.V. The three letters that seem to spell out a death sentence to everyone who hears them. But is HIV really the deadly disease that it was even a decade ago? Or has its management evolved over time?
Bee or not to bee?
Author: Ivars Veckalns As you may have heard the environment is changing. We can close our eyes and live in ignorance and pretend that nothing is happening but the nature, the ecosystem of the world is suffering and being modified by human activities. From the well known change in global temperature that has risen severely
Risky business of being a teenager
Author: Anna Grizāne Do you ever look back at your teenage years and think – “Oh my my, what was I thinking?” A lower back tattoo, a questionable hairstyle choice, a broken leg which could have easily been avoided if you had not taken that leap, a party with random strangers which could have gone
Youth and digital addiction – is it really as bad as we think?
Author: Terēze Pavloviča Have gadgets destroyed our generation? We don’t ride horses anymore when we go shopping and typewriters can mostly be found in museum expositions. In the last 20 years, great steps in technological advancement have been made. If we remember the first personal computers, nowadays they are reduced in size and Wi-Fi is
Vaccines cause autism – where does this lie grow its short legs?
Author: Valdis Ģībietis, doctor, resident in internal medicine The Latvian vaccination calendar includes vaccines against 14 diseases, while additional vaccines are available for risk groups. Their aim is to protect children and adults from severe infections, in order to avoid complications and death. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate is every person’s choice. Even though
Are 30s the new 20s? Is 24 the new 16?
Article by Alise Kalane Adolescence is nestled between two transitions — the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood — with malleable borders.
Is Air The New Source of Water?
Scientists from MIT and Berkley may have found a solution – extracting water from thin air using only ambient sunlight.
Do children consider gender to be more important than race?
How do children see their own identity in relation to race and gender equality? A new study reveals that children do not perceive race and gender equally: gender is more important for the children’s identity than race.
“Liquid wood” – the future of our planet
Nowadays, everyone wants to be eco-friendly. Many people try to recycle, minimize the use of plastic or purchase only 100% recyclable products. We will do anything for our Mother Earth. What if I told you that we could diminish the use of regular plastic and substitute it with organic, biodegradable material that is as durable