1. Do you believe in ghosts or ghost-like substances? I see an option to disbelieve and take it until proven wrong. This, however, does not negate my belief in and does not lessen my respect to the authenticity of some stories of supernatural experience that people that I deeply trust have shared with me. 2.
Why Are Some People More Creative Than Others?
Author: Daira Trušinska Have you ever been envious of that one friend who always seems to have the best, most original ideas? But maybe you consider creative thinking and coming up with surprising solutions your strong forte? We all need to think imaginatively in our day-to-day lives. Whether it is cooking a meal from a
The Medical Diagnoses of Famous Artworks
Author: Anastasija Zaičenko Art and medicine have always been connected. The depiction of medical conditions in art can be useful in studying the history of medicine. Famous artworks quite frequently present medical anomalies, including genetic diseases. In this article I’m going to show you famous paintings , in which diseases and disorders are presented.
Risky business of being a teenager
Author: Anna Grizāne Do you ever look back at your teenage years and think – “Oh my my, what was I thinking?” A lower back tattoo, a questionable hairstyle choice, a broken leg which could have easily been avoided if you had not taken that leap, a party with random strangers which could have gone
Youth and digital addiction – is it really as bad as we think?
Author: Terēze Pavloviča Have gadgets destroyed our generation? We don’t ride horses anymore when we go shopping and typewriters can mostly be found in museum expositions. In the last 20 years, great steps in technological advancement have been made. If we remember the first personal computers, nowadays they are reduced in size and Wi-Fi is
Ask Me Anything – Dr. Haralds Plaudis
What advice would you have for those who aren’t sure which specialty in medicine they want to choose, but really want to be successful at what they do? Well, I think that it is only normal that we are not always confident and are a bit scared when we start something new. Especially in a
Can babies suffer a stroke and live to tell you about it?
Author: Marija Luīze Kalniņa When thinking about the words “stroke patient”, we like to think of elderly people with gray hair and dentures arriving at the hospital after an acute stroke episode. Ultimately, for some this episode is fatal while leaves others with severe neurological disabilities. We are not wrong to think so – according
Are electronic devices helping children language development?
Author: doctor Ilze Prikule The origin of language dates back by a hundred thousand years and it is a significant milestone of human communication. At the end of the 20th century, scientists discovered that the human language foundation begins before birth and although during the first year of life children are not likely to say a single
Vaccines cause autism – where does this lie grow its short legs?
Author: Valdis Ģībietis, doctor, resident in internal medicine The Latvian vaccination calendar includes vaccines against 14 diseases, while additional vaccines are available for risk groups. Their aim is to protect children and adults from severe infections, in order to avoid complications and death. To vaccinate or not to vaccinate is every person’s choice. Even though
Are we risking with a child’s health by posting his photo on social media?
Author: Veronika Baltmane Have you ever felt uncomfortable while your parents were showing your childhood photos to all your relatives? Especially, if these were pictures of you sitting naked in a bath or at the beach? Now try to imagine your emotions if a picture like this was posted on the social network available to